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评论: 更新日期:2018年03月03日

    according to the ‘announcement to enforce the indoor gas safety management’authorized by municipal government, and in order to avoid hidden factors of accidents caused by reconstruction of the indoor gas pipe or meters without permission, i promise to do as follows:                                                               
    1. 严格遵守有关燃气的法规、规定,自觉维护户内燃气设施的安全。                                                               
    2. 不随意改动、包封室内燃气管道、设施。                                                               
    do not relocate and seal indoor gas pipeline and facilities.                                                                                                                               
    3. 确须拆除、改装、迁移、安装燃气管道、热水器时,应请具有相应资质的燃气安装、维                                                               
    4. 自觉抵制盗用正规企业名义进行欺诈活动的非法“小广告”及人员,以免上当受骗,造                                                               
    in order to avoid damages, reject unlawful ‘small advertisements’ in the name of other normal enterprises.                                                                                                                               
    5. 使用合格的燃气灶具、热水器。                                                               
    only use the qualified gas stove and water heater.                                                                                                                               
    6. 出现燃气故障,及时拨打燃气热线电话:“”(24小时开通)。                                                               
    call the 24-hour safety hotline: “” at once if any gas malfunction or accident happens.                                                                                                                               
    别墅栋号:                     业主/住户签字/日期:                                                               
    villa no.   owner/resident’s signature/ date

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